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General Electric Refrigerators -1931A

General Electric Refrigerators -1931A.jpg Everybody's Poultry 1932-12ThumbnailsGolden Book 1928-09Everybody's Poultry 1932-12ThumbnailsGolden Book 1928-09Everybody's Poultry 1932-12ThumbnailsGolden Book 1928-09Everybody's Poultry 1932-12ThumbnailsGolden Book 1928-09Everybody's Poultry 1932-12ThumbnailsGolden Book 1928-09

The miracle of the Monitor top brings a 3 year guarantee. Marked simplicity. Green texturized surface, fridge, owner, food, and a monitor top diagram showing function. Get the magazine, "The Silent Hostess" to read about food preservation and health. Published in the June, 1931 issue of GOOD HOUSEKEEPING.

Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: Mariangela Buch