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P and G Laundry Soap -1934A

P and G Laundry Soap -1934A.jpg Ozarka Radios -1925AThumbnailsPaas Easter Egg Dyes -1948AOzarka Radios -1925AThumbnailsPaas Easter Egg Dyes -1948AOzarka Radios -1925AThumbnailsPaas Easter Egg Dyes -1948AOzarka Radios -1925AThumbnailsPaas Easter Egg Dyes -1948AOzarka Radios -1925AThumbnailsPaas Easter Egg Dyes -1948A

Dirty on the kids, but clean on the line; now you see it, now you don't! Complete with conversation between "Lucy" and "Janet" (if those are actually their real names). Published in the November, 1934 issue of WOMAN'S WORLD.


Source: Mariangela Buch

Restoration by: Mariangela Buch